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Portland, OR 45.5471314, -122.6785626

Portland, OR – Multi-Vehicle Wreck on I-5 NB/Columbia Blvd Exit Causes Injuries

Portland, OR (August 29, 2024) – A multi-vehicle accident occurred on the I-5 Northbound freeway at the Columbia Boulevard exit in Portland on August 29th, leading to injuries. The Portland Police Bureau and Portland Fire & Rescue responded to the scene, where multiple vehicles had collided, blocking several lanes of traffic. Portland, OR – Multi-Vehicle Wreck on I-5 NB/Columbia Blvd Exit Causes InjuriesEmergency responders provided medical assistance to the injured, with some individuals being transported to a nearby hospital for further treatment. The crash caused significant delays as authorities worked to clear the wreckage and reopen the freeway. The Portland Police Bureau is investigating the cause of the accident.

Our thoughts are with those injured, and we wish them a speedy recovery.

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